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Command Line

[Requires Professional or Enterprise Edition]

You can run WebLog Expert using the command line mode. In this case the program will analyze the specified profiles and exit.

WebLog Expert supports two command line modes: standard and batch ones.

If a command line parameter contains spaces, use quotes to delimit it. For example:

WLExpert "Main Report" -l"c:\My Logs\*.log"

In most cases you should use full path to the main executable file instead of "WLExpert". E.g. if WebLog Expert is installed to "C:\Program Files\WebLog Expert\" directory the command line will look as follows:

"C:\Program Files\WebLog Expert\WLExpert.exe" Sample

Standard Mode

Command line syntax:

WLExpert <Profile> -n<Name> -d<Domain> -i<IndexPage> -l<LogFile> -r<OutputPath> -e<EmailAddress> -t<TimeRange> -c<AnalysisCache> -s -FromScheduler


Name of an existing profile. You can also use wildcards to analyze multiple profiles. E.g. use "WLExpert *" command line (without quotes) to analyze all the existing profiles.

All the switches are optional. -n, -d, -i, -l, -r, -e, -t and -c switches allow you to define custom profile properties that should be used instead of the properties of specified profile(s).


Name that should be shown in the report instead of the profile name.


Domain name.


Index page name.


Path to a local log file to analyze. You can also use wildcards and date macros, and separate multiple file names or masks with semicolons. If you use this switch the program will use "Local file" mode for log location.


Report output folder (for HTML reports) or output file name (for PDF and CSV reports). You can use date macros in the output path. If you use this switch, the program will use "Local drive" mode for report destination.


Destination e-mail address. Multiple e-mail addresses can be separated with semicolons. If you use this switch the program will use "E-mail" mode for report destination.

Note: -r and -e switches cannot be used at the same time.


Time range to be analyzed. You can define specific time range or use one of the predefined values.
Time ranges must be entered in format "date1:time1 - date2:time2" or "date1 - date2". In the second case whole days will be analyzed. The format of date is mm/dd/yyyy and the format of time is HH:MM:SS. These formats don't depend on date and time format settings of Windows and WebLog Expert.
Examples: "05/14/2009 - 06/04/2009", "06/15/2009:07:30:00 - 06/16/2009:12:00:00".

You can also use one of the predefined values that are shown on the Time Range page of the Profile Properties dialog: "All activity", "Today", "Yesterday", "Last <n> hours", "Last <n> full days", "This week", "Last week", "Last <n> full weeks", "This month", "Last month", "Last <n> full months", "This quarter", "Last quarter", "Last <n> full quarters", "This year", "Last year" or "Last <n> full years". You need to specify a number instead of <n>.
Examples: "Yesterday", "Last 7 full days", "Last 12 full months".


Path to an analysis cache file to be used. If at least one of switches -d, -i, -l and -t is specified, the program cannot use the default analysis cache for the analyzed profile. In such case you need to use the -c switch to save and load analysis results from a file.


Turn on the silent mode. In this mode the program doesn't show message boxes if errors occur.


This switch is usually used when the program runs from a scheduler, and it is used automatically when the program runs from the built-in scheduler. When this switch is specified, the program doesn't show message boxes if errors occur (like the -s parameter), while information on activity including errors is written to the schedule log. You can view the log by clicking the View Log button in the Schedule dialog. The program also starts minimized to tray, and only the Progress window is shown if the program is restored from tray.

WLExpert Sample
WLExpert Sample -n"Custom Profile" -iindex.htm -t"Last week"
WLExpert Sample -l"c:\Program Files\WebLog Expert\sample.log" -r"c:\Program Files\WebLog Expert\Report"
WLExpert "Main Report" -lc:\Logs\*.log -c"c:\Analysis Cache\Main.db" -s

Batch Mode

Use this mode instead of running WebLog Expert in standard mode several times with different command line parameters.

Command line syntax:

WLExpert @<ListFile> -s -FromScheduler


Text file that can be created using any available text editor, which doesn't add special characters (e.g. Notepad). The file must contain lines of the following format:

<Profile> -n<Name> -d<Domain> -i<IndexPage> -l<LogFile> -r<OutputPath> -e<EmailAddress> -t<TimeRange> -c<AnalysisCache>

WebLog Expert processes all lines of <ListFile> sequentially. Each line is processed the same way as program run in the standard mode with the same parameters. All the switches are optional.


This switch works the same way in the batch mode as in the standard mode.


This switch also works the same way in the batch mode as in the standard mode. It is used automatically if the program runs from the built-in scheduler.

Example 1:
WLExpert @c:\Logs\Simple.txt

where Simple.txt file contains the following lines:

"Profile 1" -n"My Logs"
"Profile 2" -n"Special Logs"

Example 2:
WLExpert @"c:\My Logs\WLEList.txt" -s

where WLEList.txt file contains the following lines:

Main -n"Domain 1" -l"c:\My Logs\Log1.log" -r"c:\Reports\Report1" -c"c:\Cache\Report1.db"
"Main with Filters" -n"Filtered Domain 1" -l"c:\My Logs\Log1.log" -r"c:\Reports\FilteredReport1"  -c"c:\Cache\FilteredReport1.db"
Main -n"Domain 2" -l"c:\My Logs\Log2.log" -r"c:\Reports\Report2"  -c"c:\Cache\Report2.db"
"Main with Filters" -n"Filtered Domain 2" -l"c:\My Logs\Log2.log" -r"c:\Reports\FilteredReport2"  -c"c:\Cache\FilteredReport2.db"